Orphanage Samuel was founded in 1966 by two nurses. The objective of the home is to raise and educate children until the age of 18. The children in Samuel do not have parents or their parents and family are not capable to care for them. As the Suriname Government provides for a limited income most of the money for this home comes from charity and Christian organizations in the Netherlands and Suriname. The HE Space Children's Foundation supports the orphanage with computers and school uniforms.

In Suriname children have to wear a uniform to be allowed to go to school. HE Space Children's foundation provided the money to buy new school uniforms and shoes for all of them!
The blue blouses are for the kids going to Middle/High School (called MULO in Suriname). The kids in de green checkered blouses attend primary school.
The twins will start in October. They are 4 years old. Their school will provide a special shirt which was not available yet.
You can see from the pictures how especially the younger ones are proud to have the new clothes and shoes!!!
On the day the pictures were made, not all the kids were at the orphanage. From HE Space both Mr. and Mrs. Millican as well as Mr. Glenn Chin A Foeng were there. Also the manager of the Orphanage, Mrs. Helen Kross and Elly van Lierop, our contact person.