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What we do

Our short-term goal is to support children and the vulnerable by establishing basic educational infrastructure in primary, secondary and vocational schools. Our long-term goal is to influence and improve the quality of education.

Create partnerships

We create partnerships with local organisations and foundations to support existing initiatives that focus on health, welfare and life skills, which are important and necessary for children to be able to study. By nurturing already running projects, we are able to keep funds channeled to and focused on getting results.

Betuwe Wereldwijd Tools 4 Change
Opportunities with tools for people HERE and people THERE
2012 Book Fair EUMETSAT
Book Fair held at EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany

Work with volunteers

The projects are proposed, managed and overseen by HE Space employees. They volunteer their time to keep costs as low as possible and to ensure that donations go directly to the projects. Sometimes they also start fundraising activities like a second hand book fair.