Over the course of three weeks in January 2015 FairFight helped over 100 young girls from Marondera, Zimbabwe, to come to grips with martial arts. The goal is to empower them to stand up for themselves when confronted with domestic violence and sexual harassment. They learned karate, kick-boxing and tang soo do from experienced martial arts specialists from the Netherlands in partnership with the local martial arts community. As a result, two new dojos have been created and taken over by local trainers in which the girls will be able to train on a weekly basis. A programme to allow talented youngsters from the local orphanage to train for free is also being put in place. Thanks to the HE Space Children's Foundation, all the equipment necessary was donated to the local Fair Fight team, who will carry on the project after the Dutch team is gone.
In summer 2015 Fairfight will also expand its activities to India. For more information see their own website http://www.fairfight.nl/ or follow them on Facebook